The Power of the Mind and Manifestation: From Poverty Consciousness to an “Abundance Mindset”

The Power of the Mind and Manifestation


Poverty consciousness is the awareness of not having enough of everything [ food, money, achievement], it is a state of not having enough of the material things and immaterial things to survive the basic needs and order of the day. Poverty consciousness although sounds like poverty, they are not the same, poverty is not an awareness it is a reality while poverty consciousness is just an awareness or a thought. Poverty consciousness breeds insecurity and it also carries negativity. Poverty consciousness is powered by a lack of power of imagination and one’s inability to see what the future might hold for one.
Poverty consciousness brings about negativity and makes one have negative world views and it is mostly transferred from one generation to another through a system called Hypnotherapy.
Furthermore, it is also the notion or believe that there isn’t enough in the world to go around. Time isn’t enough, money isn’t enough, love isn’t enough, anything you can think of isn’t enough for a poverty conscious mind, even air. This feeling is often caused by basing your self-esteem or worth on material things. As a result of this, such person becomes envious, jealous and angry. An individual with poverty consciousness has a pigeonholed and limited imagination. Furthermore, this exists mainly in the mind and unlike being poor, having all the material things in the world can’t cure it.

Abundance Consciousness

Have you ever felt you have more even when you don’t? How about having less and feeling a feeling of surplus? That is abundance consciousness. It is a positively charged attitude that gives an assurance of plenty or abundance. It is a trait that is also transferable from one generation to another as the previous generations have lived with the mindset. To have an abundant consciousness means to be an optimist who is happy for others and celebrate with others when they have achieved the success of any kind. It is also the innate tendency for one to grow and explore, abundance consciousness allows one to be aware, feel, and connect with the existence of abundance in one’s life. It is promoted by the strong power of attraction and power of imagination. Abundance teaches us to be grateful; set goals, learn new things, and also talk and get new opportunities and also gives a positive world view and a positive energy channel. Abundance consciousness

Power of the mind

The mind is the central processing system of the body that houses our thoughts, beliefs, it contains our thoughts and mental images. It is what we feed our mind that will define us and also shapes our future, to be poverty conscious or abundant conscious depend entirely on what we have stored in our mind. The mid is however divided into two: conscious and the subconscious mind.



The Conscious Mind

In the psychoanalytic theory of the great psychologist, Sigmund Freud, the conscious mind includes things in our awareness and they are things we are thinking of actively.

The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is to store and retrieve data that is not currently in use and send them to the conscious mind anytime it is needed for active use. It is what we store in the subconscious mind that goes to the conscious mind and this forms our attitude.

The power of the mind alongside imaginations can create success, failure, poverty consciousness, or abundance consciousness, it all depends on our beliefs, mindset, awareness, and consciousness. The power of the mind is the major key to one’s reality, it creates our imagination and our imagination creates our thoughts and our thought make us who we are.

How the power of the mind affects our daily lives

Our mind stores all information that will later be sent to the brain and later used by the mind and the information stored could either be positive or negative, these thoughts are what later shapes our beliefs and it determines which information is relevant and arranges them in the order of preference and this information will later become our mental target image. The mind is the strongest and the most vital part of humans, humans learn every day and anything we learn is been stored in our brain and later will be used and recalled by our mind to later form and shape our thought. In the mind-body theory, the mind is superior to the body because all actions and commands must come directly from our brain and it is these thoughts that a habit for us. Abundance consciousness or poverty consciousness affect our daily lives in a way that it determines our perspective and attitude towards humanity.


Our consciousness is a result of the things in our minds and the things we put in our minds manifest in our everyday life. Whether you are poverty conscious or abundant conscious, it all depends on the manifestation of the power of the mind on us and the power of imagination. To have the manifestation of abundance consciousness, one has to have the following:

  • Have an abundance mindset
  • Always be positive
  • Share ideas and be ready to learn
  • Be grateful
  • Appreciate and felicitate when others are successful
  • Feed your soul with the right things
  • Reject all forms of poverty consciousness
  • Be ready to use the power of imagination and attraction so as to attract opportunities and ideas to help boost the morale for abundance

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