The Importance and Power of Affirmations


In simple terms, affirmations are pretty much everything that you think and say. While we might not be conscious of it, a lot of our thoughts and words are negatives ones that can end up creating bad experiences. In order to have a better experience, we need to consciously shift our thoughts and words towards positive things.
Below are tips and all you need to know about affirmations; how they work, their effects, benefits, advantages, and how you can take advantage of this to achieve your goals.

What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are best described as short statements that are declared as a situation that you wish for or a dream and goal that you hope to achieve. As you repeat these statements, loudly sometimes and also in your mind, you are calling these situations and goals into existence. Similarly, saying these statements make you more open to things that would help you achieve the goal and situation that you crave for.
Just like meditation mantras, Affirmations are to be repeated but while mantras are used for calming the mind and improving focus, Affirmations serve the purpose of programming the mind in such a way that the mind unconsciously starts modeling itself after the repeated words. In the long run, this not only affects the mind but also the body, emotions, and even one’s approach to certain circumstances.
When you repeat these affirmations, you gain a renewed amount of motivation and ambition and this in turn automatically attracts you to more opportunities that would aid your growth.

The Importance of Affirmations

  1. Affirmations help in starting and building new habits that could, in the long run, trigger positive changes in your life.
  2. Affirmations help the mind adapt and work in accordance with the repeated words.
  3. With affirmations, your mind subconsciously absorbs the repeated words, then work on your behalf to make your statements come to pass.
  4. Affirmations with focusing, which can in turn aid your studying, weight loss, and achieving your dreams.
  5. Affirmations help in keeping you motivated. When you speak these truths about yourself, you are subconsciously moving in that direction and when you do this, your thoughts and your entire being would fall in place according to what you are gunning for.
  6. Affirmations to quality of life as when you constantly tell yourself positive things about your life, you have a high probability of leading a better life. In fact, studies have shown that those who practice affirmations tend to be lead to a more fulfilled life while also having a clearer perspective on their life.

Sample of Affirmations for Different Aspects of Life

1. Affirmations for Self-Esteem:

Most times we tend to ruin our own self-esteem by talking to ourselves in a way that we wouldn’t talk to anyone else. When we talk ourselves down, our mind will slowly assimilate it and take these negative words as the truth.

To boost our self-esteem, Affirmations play a huge role. Below are some affirmations for self-esteem.

  • I am an incredible gift to the world.
  • I am confident that I will make the right decision at all time.
  • My talents are incredible ones that other people can benefit from.
  • I am forgiving myself for all the mistakes I’ve made.
  • I am gradually becoming a more confident person who knows who he/she is and wants to be.

2. Affirmations for Body Confidence:

Affirmations for Body Confidence

Having insecurities about one’s body is quite a common problem that a lot of people face. Yes, it happens even to the best of us. However, the truth is that we all come in different complexions, shapes, and sizes and contrary to popular belief, there is nothing like the “ideal body”. Beauty comes in all forms of shapes, therefore, instead of focusing on things that you do not like about yourself, the following affirmations might just be what you need to overcome the negative image of your body.

  • My body is beautiful.
  • I understand that I am not perfect, and this is because I’m a real person.
  •  I am beautiful in my imperfections.
  • Just like I would do to others, I speak to myself and my body lovingly.
  • I refuse to listen to society’s standard of beauty.

3. Affirmations for Happiness

When you make positive affirmations about yourself, you’ve already unlocked a surefire way to genuine happiness. The way you talk to yourself affects the way you view yourself and this in turn affects your all-round happiness as a human. Below are positive affirmations that help to remind you of your aspirations, goals, and dreams.

  • I focus only on gratitude as a reminder of my awesome life.
  •  I love being by myself and I cherish the time that I spend alone.
  • I’m in love with my sanctuary – which is my home – and all that is within it.
  • I am constantly filled with overwhelming happiness that fuels my positivity as I go about my day-to-day activities.
  • I accept all my emotions; the positive and the negative, but I never focus on the negative ones.

4 Affirmations for Success

Before our success can manifest in the physical realm, we must first believe that we really are deserving of success. In order to be successful in our chosen field or endeavor, we must first take on what we want. This is why we need motivation in order to take these actions. This motivation can be gotten through affirmations that propel us to keep progressing and taking action until we finally attain that success that we’ve always looked forward to.

Below are positive affirmations for success.

  • I allow my intuition to guide me to where I need to be.
  •  My actions are such that naturally propel me towards success.
  • I absorb information and knowledge that help me get to my destination.
  • I am constantly doing great things that would aid me in achieving my goal.
  •  The path that I am treading is one that will lead me towards success.

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