Sound Therapy and Healing

Sound Therapy and Healing

Sound therapy and healing is a concept in which sounds are used in enhancing the mental and physical health of a patient. The world exists on a frequency, everything we see, feel and touch exists as pure energy. Our body, organs, and even cells exist at a frequency that enables external vibration to cure any form of complication. According to Pythagoras, the music of the sphere was a harmony perceived by our ears from the moment we are born. truer words have never been said as what was said by Pythagoras in relation to sound healing. While it seems new, healing with sound has been in existence since ancient Greece where music was used as a tool to cure mental illness. If find yourself getting pumped or down by music, there is your proof of the power of sound. There are many ways in which sound healing is being administered, all have their own benefits, if you are wondering the methods that, here are seven very potent sound healing techniques.

7 Effective Sound Therapy

1. Sonic Acupuncture

Having been in existence for more than 3,000 years. The sonic acupuncture is not to be confused with that of the normal acupuncture that entails the insertion of needles. Instead, tuning forks are inserted into precise energy area of the body. The vibration from these instruments as powerful as a Tibetan bowl and it can move flawlessly through the body using the liquid inside the human body. Tap on the forks generates vibrations that hit and heal the bones, tissues, muscles, cells, and tissues. It is also effective in treating emotional issues or defective organs.

2. Tibetan Bowl

Tibetan Bowl for Sound Therapy

The singing bowl emits the vibration of the universe and it has the ability to bring balance to a field of energy. The Tibetan bowl is commonly used for sonic body massage due to its re-equilibrating capacity. There are two types of these bowls; the one that was created through seven distinctive metals by Tibetan lamas and the ones that are created from pure quartz. Regardless of the type, these two makes powerful sounds that can be felt in air or water contained in our body. This results in a sense of relief, peace, and balance. The vibration from the bell helps to harmonize all the frequencies of the body, thereby powerful for building the immune system, injury, or curing bad emotions.

3. Shamanism

There is a sound frequency achieved that is attained through drums, wind instruments, maracas, the sound of the shaman alongside some prayers. This sound is known to create a platform of communication between the shaman and the non-living spirits and that could help cure illnesses or any complication that a patient has. The vibration from this combination of sounds creates a pathway in the spirit to enable self-healing where it’s needed.

4. Binaural Sounds

This technique is solely accredited to Heinrich Wilhelm Dove; a physicist and predecessor of climatology. He made a life-changing discovery that specific sounds have a noteworthy influence on brain waves. The binaural sounds can be used to create a lower scale effect of psychoactive drugs or various perceptions. The different frequency of the binaural tones is used to attain peacefulness, concentration, pain relief, relaxation, and even create lucid dreams. Here are a few frequencies and what they are used to achieve:

  • Delta: 0 – 4 Hz / deep slumber, improved memory and healing
  • Theta: 4 – 8 Hz / induces light sleep, meditation, and creativity.
  • Alpha: 8 – 12 Hz / hypnosis, immune stimulation and, easing up.
  • Beta: 12 – 40 Hz / improve focus and anxiety.

5. Multidimensional Music

This method of healing is self-induced by the body by making use of ultrasound and infrasound as catalysts. Infrasound is inaudible to human ears due to its very low frequency but they naturally occur during volcanic eruption, earthquakes, or storms even though it can be produced artificially. Ultrasound can still be audible and recreated by bats and dolphins as it is above the aural spectrum. The multidimensional music belongs to the holosonic therapy healing system. It entails the mixture of three frequency spectrum to create desired healing in the body.

6. Healing with the Voice

Since the world exists on certain frequencies, our voice and the voice we hear goes a long way in healing us. One of the best ways known to man in practicing this is through songs. Repetition of mantra is used as a form of voice healing in meditation and even an ancient healing technique is the harmonics that involves the production of more than one frequencies with their voice. This is known to have multiple effects on humans. The frequency in voice, especially song is used in healing and ridding the body of certain emotional or physical illnesses.

7. The six Healing Sounds

In his book, Dr. Sun Si Miao strongly asserts that six frequencies can be deciphered in pinyin causing it to be pronounced at the same time while one’s breathe is controlled. The result of this is that the sounds can reinforce the Qi of the body and even wade of toxic emotions thought it’s vibration. The six sounds are Xu, He, Hu, Si Chul, and Xi.
The power of sound is limitless and when done by professionals it goes a great deal in with stress, setting you in the right emotions and can even correct any form of physical and emotional illnesses. Even without professionals, nice music playing into your eyes can go a long way for you.

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