Healing, Spiritual Evolution and Elemental Energy

Healing, Spiritual Evolution and Elemental Energy

Elemental energy is the energy derived from the elements of nature. Similar to Ki used in martial art, this energy can be absorbed and stored in the body only to be circulated to the needed location. There is a standing ancient belief that to get cured of an illness or ailment, you will need to connect to the core elements of the physical plane. As easy as this might sound, this isn’t an easy feat as there are several steps to follow in achieving this spiritual evolution and healing.

Synergize With The Environment

There are spirits all around us, the things we see, feel, and touch – our environment has a spirit. Hence, to have this spiritual evolution one must be at one with the environment. Not just physically but to utilize what nature, presents to us. However, to achieve this one must first recognize that these energies found in the environment are part of who we are, we are both parts of a whole. And all that needs to be done is to join them in perfect synergy.

Visualize the Energy

Another step to take is to have a mental depiction of energy. This can easily be done by meditative techniques such as closing one’s eyes and breathing slowly or rhythmically. In doing this, visualize the energy around you through a color. Then, absorb this energy (color) into yourself. To better achieve this, you can hold your hands apart and visualize holding the ball of energy. Feel it around you, sense its presence as it gently seeps inside you.

Furthermore, look into the sky (with your eyes still closed). Instead, see the energy of the sky with your third eyes while coming to the understanding of the energy around you. With this, absorb the energy into your heart and feel its changes. Push it back out to feel the difference before pushing it in finally. Practice this and you feel yourself improve and evolve as you become one with your spirituality. To better understand this, here are the 6 elements.


The air is related to the east side of the world. It is one of the four elements of the world. It is said that it gives our minds the ability to focus on things. Naturally, the air can only be felt not seen and this way its power is perfect energy for swiftness and strength


Synergize With The Environment - Earth

The earth symbolizes fertility as it is seen as a feminine figure. It gives life and multiplication. It is the backbone of other elements as it is the physical base that all elements relax on. It connects to the etymology of an individual and is also used to bind the knot of spirituality


The fire element is a violent one that signifies violence, destruction, and creation. The fire element is associated with the south. It gives one the power of perseverance and it is most common in sorcery.


It is a symbol of love and healing. It is the survival material of all elements as all elements need water to survive. They see and predict and water can be used to bless matrimony. It is often used for purification. It is associated with the north


Chaos does not relate to any of the elements, it is the element that exposes your mind, body, and soul to the things in your environment, it brings to harmony and peace the knowledge of what has happened in the past and the future. It brings you closer to understand your inner self and brings one to a state of tranquility

The Elements and Their Signs

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

From time immemorial, the fire has been attributed to Spirit. It is the sign that represents passion and hunger for life. It also fuels the desire and will to be and become. This feature makes it obvious why Aries begins the cycle of the Zodiac; fire signs are known to be courageous, leaders that take initiative. People with fire signs are not only creative, but they are also enthusiastic, spontaneous and they tend to be impulsive. Even with this, they stimulate, encourage, and inspire others especially during a creative project.
One downside or negative effect of this is that they have a tendency to be inconsiderate when expressing themselves or their thought and this often time lead to egotism and selfishness on their part. When not taking an active part in something, people with fire sign tends to die down, the same way fire burns itself out. In cases like this, self-confidence, passion, and courage would have to be nurtured.

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius

Air represents communication and mind. People with airy attributes are connectors to the zodiac with the ability to bring together diverse people with different backgrounds, ideas, and perceptions. This brings out the objective, cooperative, interactive, social, and intellectual qualities of Air signs. As fire is known to be creative and enthusiastic, airy signs tend to see things from a different and very neutral perspective making them a good complement to the fire sign. In a concise way, individuals with airy signs are outside-the-box thinkers.
If the air signs are expressed negatively, chances are that they become indifferent, aloof, and passive. This is due to their innate neutrality. In addition to this, since they are also more socially-oriented, they might be found wanting in action. This would inevitably make their words empty if not backed with action. Without the Air trait in someone, the individual would have to cultivate empathy, logical thinking, and the ability to step back from a situation.

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

Water symbolizes the realm of emotions. Like most emotive people, the water sign is the least understood element but they are however the feeler of the zodiac. Like water, they are hypersensitive to their environment and are extremely empathetic. What this means is they are in touch with their emotions as well as that of others which makes them a very good psychic. Water signs are resourceful, imaginative, creative, nurturing, compassionate, and very intuitive. This makes them a good balance to the neutrality of air and the spontaneity of the fire. In other words, they are the heart of the zodiac.

Since water signs are hypersensitive and empathetic, they seek lone time to recharge. This is due to the emotional and energy-draining attribute of absorbing other people’s feelings. This attribute if not possessed in modesty can lead to paranoia, over-reaction, and sometimes escapism. If found wanting in an individual, such a person would find it had to process their emotions as well as people’s. also, they can be insensitive to their environment and people around them. People with that would have to learn and develop intuition and compassion.

Earth Signs: Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn

The earth is a symbol of the physical and material world. Earth people are known as the creators of the zodiac signs and they are gifted with the ability to actualize their dreams. The elements needed in order to establish and maintain systems that are responsible for security are provided by the earth’s residents.
When expressed negatively, unbalanced earth could cause greed, stagnation, fear, and several undesirable things. When residents of earth forget that there is more to life than their immediate environment, they tend to get in trouble.

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