Planetary Symbolism: How Do the Planets Affect Us?

Planetary Symbolism: How Do the Planets Affect Us

Zodiac Signs

In the world in general, Zodiac signs are quite popular as a lot of people crave to know what the Universe has in stock for them through their signs. However, in the world of astrology, in order to truly have this knowledge, you need to know what the planets mean and just how each of these planets affects humans. Since astrology deals mainly with interpreting the movement of the planet and other bodies, then, understanding these planets would go a long way in helping you understand things like your sign and how they affect you.

What are the Planets?

If you are reading this, then you are probably familiar with the planets in the solar system. However, it might interest you to know that planets, as they pertain to astrology, are quite different from the popular one that we learned in elementary school.

For one, when it comes to astrology, the Sun and the Moon (both popularly known as the “luminaries”) are considered planets. These two luminaries take vital roles in the elemental bodies of the planets. On the other hand, Earth isn’t considered a planet in astrology, not only because we live on Earth but also because we view the other planets through an Earth-centric lens. Altogether, in astrology, we have 10 major planets.

Each of these planets represents diverse characteristics and features and, in this vein, they are in charge of different aspects of human life. Since each of these planets is unique in their own way, this reflects on how they affect our lives as they reflect differences in the lives of each individual based on the zodiac sign that the individual represents.

How do Planets Work?

How do Planets Work

The Luminaries (Sun and Moon), and the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, and Venus) all move quickly from each sign to the other, and this causes them to have quite the influence over the day-to-day life of humans. Next are Jupiter and Saturn (social planets) and they affect aspects of our lives that have to do with interpersonal issues. Lastly, the outer planets, namely Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto all move slowly through the zodiac sign. This allows them to have an effect on grander aspects of your life and their influence can go as far as on your life and even on society as a whole.

When a planet is said to be “benefic”, what it means is that such planet would bring good vibes to other planets that they are associated with. Jupiter and Venus are good examples of “benefic” planets. On the other hand, when a planet is said to be “malefic”, then an association with such a planet will bring tough and destructive energy. Examples of “malefic” planets are Mars and Saturn.

How Do Planets affect us?

Knowing how planets affect us depends largely on the location of these planets on the Zodiac chart at a particular time. As the various planets move through the zodiac signs in the sky, the energy that these planets give off depends on the zodiac sign that these planets are in.

In order to know where your natal planets presently are, check your birth chart (you can get an astrologer to draw your birth chart or you can simply draw it yourself of you know your birth date and time). Once you’ve located where each of these planets on your birth chart, you will be able to see the parts of your lives where the planets show up, and even how the relationships between these planets affect your life.

The Planets and Their influence on Us

In simpler terms, planets themselves don’t affect your life directly, it is their interaction with other parts of your charts that affects your life.

Below are some of the elements and their influence on their Zodiac signs.

Sun: The sun naturally rules the Leo sign. It is the element that controls your conscious mind, self, life purpose, and creative energy. Being the center of the universe itself, the sun automatically is our center. It is the element that gives color and vibe to the world. It is the Sun that dictates who we really are at the core of our being.

Moon: The moon naturally rules over the Cancer sign. It has more to do with the nurturing, empathetic, and sensitive side of humans. The Moon captures our emotions, our essence, and the part of us that only us. It is the Moon that is in control of our inner thoughts and those things that we would never share with anyone else except we totally feel safe with them.

Mercury: Mercury naturally governs over Gemini and Virgo. It is the planet that is responsible for communication, intellect, and most importantly, your ability to process information and communicate them. This is not unconnected with the fact that this planet was named after “Mercury”, the messenger of the gods.

Venus: Venus naturally governs over Taurus and Libra. It is the planet that controls all things that are beautiful, romantic, and sensual. This planet was named after the goddess of Love, so you can already tell that Venus loves everything that has to do with love. Similarly, Venus can also be said to be in charge of the money, specifically the money that we spend on luxury, love, and the beautiful things of life.

Mars: Mars naturally governs over Aries Zodiac sign. It has to do with sexual desires, energy in its raw form, temper, and assertion. The fact that this planet was named after Mars, the god of war explains a lot about it.

Jupiter: Jupiter is the planet that governs over Sagittarius. It rules over everything that has to do with good luck, opportunity, growth, and positive vibes.

Saturn: Saturn is the planet that naturally rules over Capricorn Zodiac sign. It has to do with discipline, hard work, and life lessons.

Uranus: Uranus rules over Aquarius zodiac sign. It has to do with everything that is progressive, revolutionary, and innovative. Uranus does not care about tradition, rather, it believes in constant change and revolution.

Neptune: Neptune rules over Pisces Zodiac sign. It has to do with our spirituality and intuition. this is evident in the color that represents the planet; blue.

Pluto: Pluto rules over Scorpio. It has to do with the underworld and all that is hidden beneath the surface of the natural.

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