Becoming Conscious with Crystals

Becoming Conscious with Crystals


Crystals are simply minerals found under the earth. They are formed either during the cooling-off molten magma or rocks or when they are separating out of the mineral-rich water like underground caves. Despite the fact that crystal healing just seems to find its way into the mainstream, it’s first usage dates back to over 6,00 years ago in ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. Initially, it was used mainly for beautification and adorning oneself until its healing properties were discovered. The ancient people found that the crystals do not only ward off illnesses but also rid their users of negative energy. Even though history puts crystal healing in these two locations, the principle of modern crystal healing depends to a great extent on borrowed traditional ideas from the Asian culture. Concepts like the chi or qi (the life energy) as well as chakras are derived from Chinese, Hindu, and Buddhist concepts.

While crystal healing has its own fair share of acceptance in the modern world especially as an alternative treatment, scientists and medical practitioners refer to it as pseudoscience since there is no proof as to how it can be used to cure illnesses.

Crystals have different colors; 7 to be more precise. These colors are loosely linked to the seven colors of chakras that we have. Each of these is related to certain aspects of our being, spirituality, emotion, and our physical body. This is one of the reasons it’s believed that there are high chances of being drawn towards a crystal based on your need. It’s more like the crystal chooses you not the other way round. If you are wondering what the seven healing crystal colors are and what they mean, here they are for you

The 7 Crystal Colors

  1. Clear/ White crystal: this color symbolizes peace and purity. This crystal color is perfect for meditation since it also fosters peace and calmness in the environment that it’s placed. Not just this, it has the ability to enhance the potency or energy of other crystals as with the case of clear quartz.
  2.  Red Crystals: if you need something energizing, then the red crystal is perfect for you. Since red symbolizes passion, this crystal will motivate you into taking actions without relenting. It is most suited when you want to be actively involved in some things.
  3.  Pink Crystal: this indicates love and compassion. It is the crystal type that will make you ee warm and cozy. If you are in for self-love, love in general, kindness, empathy, forgiveness, and heart-healing, then the pink crystal is all you need. It can help create a pathway that will make it easy to open your heart.
  4.  Orange Crystal: majorly effective for change and creativity. If you need to spice things up and you do not know how to go about it, the orange crystal can be very helpful. Also if you are going through a minor or major change, this crystal is known to be super helpful.
  5. Yellow Crystal: just like the sun, it brightens and illuminates. The yellow crystal foster optimism and allows you to discover your true self. Where ever you might find yourself, they can help you solidify relationships and passion by making you more self-confident.
  6.  Green Crystal: having a similar color with plants kind of gives off the power of the green crystal. It is a perfect growth catalyst. From time immemorial, they are used to magnetize wealth and prosperity. In addition to this, the green crystal can help connect us to nature’s energy.
  7. Blue Crystal: this is the crystal to go for if you need clarity and calmness. This function is mostly seen through communication as it helps you to express yourself in the most authentic and clam way. Also, it infuses into your spirit the ability to reflect making you see find your truest form.

Blue Crystal

How it’s Used

There are over a thousand types of crystals all having distinguishable uses; some helps heal the soul, some the mind and others the body. Crystal healing technique involves you putting a designated crystal around your body or in your surrounding for it to start the healing process. The part of the body where the crystal or crystals are mostly placed is one forehead, the stomach, on the buttocks, on the chest, or even the genital area. if done by a professional, the stones will be positioned in such a way it will better aid the chakra flow which will correct any energy disparities.
In addition to this, the crystal can also be worn as jewelry on the body or even placed around the house or under the pillow so as to prevent bad energy from seeping in. the reason for this difference in usage is due to the belief that crystals can be used to set intentions. And if done properly, the crystal will draw in this energy and channel it into its surrounding.

10 Crystal That Can Transform Your Life For The Better

  1. Agate: the agate is very helpful when you are losing grip. It doesn’t only keep you grounded but also helps in bringing balance and harmony to your life. The crystals do this by projecting your strength which will then boost your confidence. It can be worn as jewelry or placed in your home or office.
  2.  Amethyst: aside from its problem-solving tendency, amethyst is perfect for meditation as it has and gives soothing and relieving energy. If you are the type that battles insomnia or fitful sleep this will help a great deal. This crystal will make a useful collection for your bedroom.
  3. Black Tourmaline: no doubt, there are bad energies around us and that is why the black tourmaline is an essential crystal. It protects from negative energy by creating a protective shield around you. It can also be used as a form of protection and stress relief.
  4. Calcite: want some energy boost or positive vibe? Then having calcite will give you just that. It is one of the strongest sources of positive energy. If you intend on starting a project or even need clarity on something, then calcite is all you need.
  5. Citrine: This is another positive energy-enhancing crystal. It adds more than a little sunshine to your life, it fosters happiness and helps dispel negative energy. It is also a suitable option for you if you want to turn your dream into reality.
  6. Clear Quartz: the clear quartz fosters clarity and concentration in your life or thought. It allows you more insightful thought about any subjects so if you are looking to achieve a goal, the clear quartz is in the right direction.
  7.  Rose Quartz: everyone needs rose quartz in their life, why? Because it’s the gemstone that opens your heart. If you want compassion, love, or even friendliness, this is the perfect stone for you. Also, if you feel down or you are at your lowest, the rose quartz will go a long way in letting go of all those bad emotions.
  8. Selenite: This bright stone brings rays of light into your life and the environment it’s placed, which means bye-bye to low or toxic energy. Also, it is a useful crystal for cleansing and purifying your thought, vicinity, or just anywhere you feel needs cleansing.
  9. Smokey Quartz: if you are going through a phase, or you feel lost, the smokey quartz helps bring balance to any sphere of your life by helping you reconnect to the world. Also during physical, emotional, or mental stress, this can help keep you in control.
  10. Tiger’s Eye: this gives you a more in-depth understanding of yourself. It can give confidence and courage especially if you want to try new things or pursue new passions. The tiger’s eye is also a must-have if you need inspiration or you want a good luck charm.

Simply put, the world is a combination of so many pleasant and unpleasant things. Things that will sometimes make us feel bad or fill us up with bad emotions. This among other reasons is why having one or more crystals with you will go a long way in shaping you into a more refined person that has undergone amazing healing through the power of the crystal.

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