Your Life Path and Numerology – Everything you need to know!

What is Numerology

What is Numerology?

Numerology is a set of beliefs associated with the cause and event of a particular number with a coinciding event. It is a belief that is associated with astrology but the main difference between astrology and numerology is that astrology deals with stars and zodiac signs while numerology deals with numbers and alphabets. It is believed that numbers were a universal language that the gods speak and understand. It is on this ground that the father of numerology; Pythagoras started numerology. Of all forms of numerology, the kabbalah numerology is the largest and the most popular. Kabbalah numerology started from the time of the Hebrew sciences and it has its stronghold in the Hebrew alphabet. The world kabbalah shows us that it deals more with the mind than with the body. As long as numerology has begun, there was no recorded date or event of how it started and an example of numerology is in Ruth Drayers’ book: numerology, power in numbers.

The Life Pattern Numbers

The life patterns number is a number that is calculated from birth and in numerology life pattern works with the number 1-9. The life pattern numbers are a way to understand one’s life purpose, talents, and what life obstacles one will face in life. The life pattern number is a guide on how one should live his life and what one will do to make it in life.

How to Calculate Life Path Numbers

Firstly, one has to add up one’s date of birth together to a single unit, for instance of your date of birth is 27/03/95, you have to calculate it to a single unit or to a master number which is 11,22 and 33 00580058
27= 2+7=9
1995= 1+9+9+5 =24
24+9+3=36 so you have to add it to a single unit 3+6=9
9 is your birth number.
To have to master number means you possess more potential and ability than all other numbers and the master numbers are 11,22and 33. In calculating your life path, numerology always add numbers down to a single unit but it does not apply to master’s numbers

How to Calculate Life Path Numbers

Explanation of Numbers 1-9


Number 1

To have a number 1 life path means to be a straight forward person with a simple view of life. It is the numbers for leaders because the figure 1 is always upfront and always aggressive not allowing any factor to hinder its progress. Figure one is a straight figure which portrays simplicity. It is also called the destiny number and it portrays a hard worker and passionate leader. This figure also comes along with kits negativity, it comes along with ego and pride, and for someone who has the figure one life path, has the tendency to be self-centered and arrogant. In the kabbalah numerology, it is called the destiny number

Number 2

It is known as the part of sensitivity, people with this life path number are generally emotional and affectionate, unlike the number 1, they are less selfish. The number 23 shows a little of a feminine figure accompanied with patience, diplomacy, cooperation, and understanding. the number 2 are also born leaders but they are not exactly as figure one, they act as advisers and also have a masquerade when leading and they won’t be at the forefront. As nice has it all sounds, nothing is ever perfect in life, someone of the 2s later becomes over sensitive and some are shy. The 2s are very compatible with the 6,8 and 9. Out of all days of the month, the 2s tend to be lucky on 1,10,9 and 28 while 2,11,20 and 29 are just normal days to them, for 2s in business, 7,16,25 is a good day to get a business right while days like 8,17,26,9,18 and 27 should be avoided before making an important decision for the twos. the twos are great supporters

Number 3

The number 3 is a divine perfection as it is the first of four perfect numbers. The creative part is what number 3 is, this path portrays and show a very great communicator that uses creativity to connect to their audience. The 3s have the gift to express their feelings through various ways part of which is music, poetry, writing, etc. this number attracts people and has a welcoming character but vas bad as good as they are, the 3s are not a prudent spender, they are careless and do not take their responsibility. The 3s are naturally melancholic as they get over emotional and they can get sentimental. The 3s are creative and troublesome. Figure 3 is compatible with figures 1,5 and 7.

Number 4

A hard worker disciplined serious and practical personality is the lifestyle of the life path. The 4s believe not in short cuts, only hard work that forever pays and it is where one works that’s when one will be rewarded for the job done. They like things to be organized and they are very loyal and dependable. The 4s have the tendency to grow stubborn, rigid, or too serious and they can be slow in working towards a goal and also miss opportunities as they only follow their master plan. The 4 is a number of justice and balance and it is compatible with the numbers 1,7 and 8.

Number 5

Full of discovery, learning, resourcefulness, and also the choice and changes in the physical aspect, the number 5 is called the experience path, the one which shows a part where one learns within plenty choices, and the physical, spiritual and emotional life is bond to change. It is a perfect match for the number 1,3 and 7

Number 6

This path is where one is faced with a path of responsibility and awareness. They are general caretakers and also more of a family man and they are altruistic in their nature. They are generally supportive and more of a stay home person

Number 7

They are more of a melancholy and lonely. If care is not taken. They have the tendency to be an alcohol addict or tend to be alone and be busy with thinks that will take them off the earth

Number 8

It predicts a life of wealth, empowerment, and a lot of riches full of ambition. 8s are generally proud and they tend not to take to advice and 8s have the tendency to attract the right people because of their financial strength.

Number 9

9 is a number of servitude and strength of character. It signifies outstanding creativity and problem-solving skills that resonates in everything. It also symbolizes inner wisdom, passion, altruism as well as selflessness.

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